Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Pearl - consequences of greed and ambition

Kino and Juana suffer the consequences of greed and ambition because of their innocence under oppression.
Kino and Juana are religious people that care about their family and morals in the beginning and are in their own little paradise before the pearl, kind of like Adam and Eve before the apple. After the scorpion accompanied by the song of evil bites Coyotito, they go to the doctor’s house and get denied help for they are poor. They go pearl diving after Juana wrapped the wound in seaweed which is probably as good as the doctor could do but lacked the authority. Before the trip Juana was praying, not that Coyotito got better, but that they got a pearl to pay the doctor for the treatment. They finally get the pearl for fate has placed the pearl in their hands at their greatest time of need. This is about the time Kino has his ambition, something none of his people have. He has a desire to make his family’s life better. Kino and Juana were hunted like animals in the forest and when he said that he should leave the pearl behind Juana said no., saying that she has ambition also. At the end the sun is behind then, signalling that their best days are gone. They have changed after their baby,Coyotito, died. They decided to throw the pearl in to the ocean and, with one mighty heave, it happens.
Kino and Juana thought that they were in a town with no greed or ambition, but just like on a misty day, vision cannot be trusted. They did not know that they were being cheated by the doctor, they did not know that the churches were controlling, and they did not know that the pearl buyers had cheated them their whole lives. However, he did know what it felt like to be greedy and ambitious after he got the pearl. He wanted stuff for his family, even when it ruined his family getting it. He had never been like this before and now, everyone was like him, wanting the pearl. His neighbores were even envious. He saw visions of what he would have in his pearl, which only got more and more distorted as it ruined his life. He even beat his wife over something that was for his family, even letting his baby be given some very questionable medicine, just because he wanted a good life made from the illusion of the pearl. It even led to four men being killed. In the end it took Coyotito dying to show them the way. After that they got rid of the pearl so they could finally live their lives, but their best days were already behind them.
Kino and Juana's people are living under oppression but, just like on a misty day, they do not see it the effect it has on their lives. This has happened for centuries, and yet they think that they should be the ones punished. They live under coloniel rule of Spain and well-educated people. In fact they are under oppression from almost everyone. From the doctors to the pearl buyers. Even the churches are controlling. Because of their lack of knowledge they are easy prey for more knowledgeable foes. They are so oppressed that they do not think of themselves at all. As an example, take when Juana wanted to save Coyotito from the poison. She did not pray for Coyotito to get better, she prayed to be able to pay the doctor to treat Coyotito.They can finally see a chance to get out of oppression with the pearl. But unfortunately they get pulled right back in.